How to Find Scholarships

Understanding Your Options for Receiving Financial Assistance For Your College Education

Find Scholarships

Scholarships play an invaluable role in empowering students to pursue their academic dreams. These monetary awards can significantly lower the cost of higher education, ensuring that financial barriers do not prevent students from achieving their goals and building successful careers.

Finding, applying for, and receiving scholarships is an essential strategy for prospective and current college students. While there are many different types of scholarships available, it can sometimes be difficult for students to determine where to look for these opportunities and how to apply to receive financial assistance. By following the tips below, students can identify scholarships they qualify for and make sure they are able to apply for and receive financial assistance.

Identifying Scholarship Opportunities

There are numerous ways you can determine what types of scholarships may be available to you, including:

  • Talk to a university's financial aid office - For students who are planning to apply to different schools or those who are already enrolled in a college, university personnel can be an invaluable resource for determining what types of scholarships are available. A university website may also provide links to the websites of different companies or organizations that offer scholarships.
  • Search for scholarships online - There are numerous websites that compile lists of available scholarships and provide links to websites where students can apply for financial assistance. At the OVC Scholarship Network, we maintain a list of scholarship programs provided by a variety of businesses and organizations.
  • Participate in clubs and activities - Many school clubs can help students build skills that they will use when attending college and pursuing career opportunities. This can help a student build a resume that shows their dedication to community involvement and self-improvement, which may help them qualify for scholarships.
  • Connect with local organizations - Many local businesses, charitable foundations, or other community organizations provide scholarships for students in their area. Students can look through local newspaper ads, directories, or other information to find opportunities that may be available to them.
  • Seek out community service opportunities - Students may be able to qualify for scholarships after donating their time and effort to charitable organizations in their communities. Not only can this provide them with invaluable financial help, but it can help them demonstrate that they care about giving back to their communities, encourage ongoing relationships with people and organizations, and provide them with opportunities in the future as they embark on their careers.

Learn More About Scholarships That Are Available

Students who are planning to apply for financial aid can find a large number of opportunities on our scholarships page. If you have any questions about the scholarship programs listed on our website, the steps students can take to apply for scholarships, or the ways we can help students find scholarship opportunities, please contact us at 630-517-2702.

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